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Anita Charles, an introduction

Before Anita Charles posts to this blog, we take a moment to introduce her to you –

When you come into the BYU Bookstore you will find Anita Charles surrounded by books. Whether at the Children’s Books Information Desk or in her office, you may see a shared favorite title or recent best-seller.

Anita is especially fond of children's books and is our in-house expert on the genre.

“I still have some of the books my parents bought for me as a child, but I don’t have any childhood toys,” Anita told us. “I think that says a lot about me and about the lasting value of books.”

Anita has found that children's books need to be especially well-written, so as to convey the same beauty and power of any other book, with considerably less words.

She remembers Lloyd Alexander once saying, “The main difference between books for adults and books for children is that a child’s book always has hope.”

“I am not sure that statement is as absolute now as it was when he said it, but it is what I always want to find,” Anita said.

According to Anita, the words of others provide an avenue of personal expression.

“I know myself better and I am better equipped to face the world because of reading books,” Anita told us. “I hope that in this blog I will have the opportunity to share my favorites and address them one by one, which is indeed how they became favorites.”

Next week we’ll be featuring Anita’s inaugural post and there will certainly be many more to follow. Stay tuned, and if you have any questions regarding Anita’s work and expertise in children’s literature, don’t hesitate to ask.

Anita Charles, will be a primary contributor to Y Read, the BYU Bookstore blog, sharing her expertise of children’s literature. She has worked at the BYU Bookstore for ten years, spreading her love of reading within our Children’s Books department and with many local book events such as Books for Young Readers, Education Week and the Annual Christmas Booktalk.

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