Day 6: November 18th
“Some day you will be old enough to start
reading fairy tales again.” - C.S. Lewis
“I seize an idea for the grown-ups and then tell
the story to the little ones while always remembering that Father and Mother
often listen, and you must also give them something for their minds.” - Hans Christian Andersen.
Robert Sabuda’s latest pop-up book, The Little Mermaid, is a book that some claim is more for adults than children. The pop-up books at my house are unrestricted
for children or adults. But I would say
the majority of my customers buy the elaborately engineered pop-up books for
themselves and other adults. The books
are so intricately designed that they require careful handling and are really
an art form. They can be challenging for
young hands to put back in place. The
story is well told but the art competes for attention to the point that I don’t
know how many people try to read the text to young children. This is a beautiful book and you will have
to determine for yourself if it is a gift for young or old. Which is all relative anyway, right?

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Day 7: November 19th
Fairy Tales
"If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales." - Albert Einstein
"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." - Neil Gaiman, Fortunately, the Milk
It is always a wonder to me that we have stories that have been
loved for over 200 years (Grimm’s Fairy Tales) and even over 2,000 years (Aesop’s
Fables). They have staying power that
speaks to the human heart and the common human experience that repeats to some
degree through all the generations. Couples
fall in love. Hard work succeeds. The underdog triumphs. We all
want to be seen for the best that is in us. We can empathize with others and laugh at ourselves in fairy tales. I have my favorite old tales and love to hear
about yours. Artists continue to astound
me with their skill in making old tales new! Some of the best this year are:
The Steadfast Tin Soldier by Hans Christian
Andersen retold by Cynthia Rylant (author of the Newbery Award winner Missing May) illustrated by Jen Corace
This book has a satisfying twist to the ending. We tend to sweeten the original these
days. What do you think about that?
The Tortoise & the Hare by Caldecott Medalist Jerry Pinkney is
an Aesop’s Tale he heard as a child by way of Uncle Remus. ‘Slow and steady wins’ was a particularly
important message for him as a dyslexic child and he certainly personifies the
principle with multiple award winning books.
As much as we love the old original tales we do love fracturing
Jan Brett keeps chickens and when a friend told her about a
beautiful hen being picked on by two other chickens she thought immediately of
Cinderella and Cinders was born. The
beautiful Russian winter setting grew from a visit to St. Petersburg.
Little Red Writing is, of course Red Riding Hood in the shape of a pencil corageously writing her way through the story.
Day 8: November 20th
Anthropomorph. . . what? And ABC’s
Personification of inanimate objects is natural in child’s play
and we love the idea as adults. Milk has
favorite cookies, flowers dance, earth weeps, and houses, trees, mountains and
weather are bent on destruction.
Yesterday we saw Little Red Pencil saving the day. Today we have conflict in the crayon
box. “Poor Duncan just wants to
color.” He takes out his crayons to
color and instead he gets letters of grievance from each of the crayons. They are tired of being over-used,
under-used, misunderstood, unappreciated, stubby or naked. You faithful protectors of crayon boxes will
feel justified. You know who you are;
every classroom had at least one. They
wouldn’t share crayons, never broke the tips or peeled the paper off. I admit I always wanted to be that person but
could never pull it off. Crayon users on
both sides will love The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt, illustrated by
Oliver Jeffers; one of our favorite author/illustrators, he gave us This Moose Belongs to Me and Stuck and others.
Z is for Moose by Kelly Bingham illustrated by Paul Zelinsky is
much more engaging than ABC books that bring the letters forward in a nice
orderly fashion. Moose just can’t wait
for it to be his turn and Zebra is determined to make him conform or else! It just so happens we move through the
alphabet as we enjoy the drama. Alphabet ABC Everywhere by Elliott Kaufman presents the letters in order but opens the
door to discovery, challenging children to find letters all around them. An Annoying ABC by Barbara Bottner and
Michael Emberley careens through an alphabet of children’s names and annoying
behaviors until “Adelaide apologized” and things turn around.
"It was a quiet morning until...
Adelaide annoyed Bailey
Bailey blamed Clyde
Clyde cried
Dexter drooled on Eloise"
...on through the alphabet until
"Adelaide apologized."

Is the trend of softening harshness in children's books past? What is your choice, reality or euphemism?
Day 9: November 21st
I will admit to turning to the
internet for answers and a decreased use of the print encyclopedias at our
house. But I love a good non-fiction
book and think the selection is better than ever before! When I leave non-fiction books in the
popular spots in our house I find the adults enjoy them just as much as the
children and it is good for my heart to watch them pour over them together.
Sy Montgomery will be a guest at the
July 2014 Books For Young Readers Symposium and she has been a long time
favorite of mine. I particularly enjoy her books about
scientists. The Tapir Scientist: Saving South America's Largest Mammal with
photographs by Nic Bishop came out in 2013 and is about a shy, strange looking
animal that very few people have seen. Montgomery’s books give us an appreciation for the animals as well as
the scientists who study them and their importance to the world at large.
Frog Song by Brenda Z Guiberson
illustrated by Gennady Spirin defies my preference for photography in
non-fiction. This book is gorgeous! The pictures are so beautifully done that
they are as informative as a photograph. The onomatopoeia in the text gives the information an appeal even to the
very young but it goes beyond age limitations with additional information in
the back including a bibliography and suggestions for information on-line.
Strong than Steel: Spider Silk DNA and the Quest for Better Bulletproof Vests, Sutures, and Parachute Rope by Bridget
Heos with photographs by Andy Comins is almost more than I can wrap my mind
around. At times it feels so incredible
as to be the stuff Science Fiction imagines. One of the chapters is titled A New Lab: Utah. This is definitely in my top ten for the
Nasty Bugs with
poems selected by Lee Bennett Hopkins and illustrated by local artist Will
Terry is the unlikely combination of poetry and, well, nasty bugs –flys, fleas,
lice and oh so many more. This is a
doorway into poetry for those kids who like the thrill of things a little bit
creepy. How Cars Work by Nick Arnold
& illustrated by Allan Sanders explains
in ways that I, the ultimate mechanical dunce, can understand. This book is a guidebook complete with
interactive parts. Buy it for a gift and
you are in danger of keeping it for yourself, regardless of age or gender. The Time for Kids books are always hits -- Where, How, What, Why, Sports, Super Science. They are especially good for
that person who thinks they don’t like books. You can’t help being drawn in by bits of fascinating information. Who Says Women Can't be Doctors? The Story of Elizabeth Blackwell by Tanya Lee Stone, illustrated by Margorie Priceman is
about the first female doctor in America. She courageously would not take no for an answer. “Elizabeth didn’t believe in couldn’t or shouldn’t.”
Day 10: November 22nd
If you have a
crowd of all ages coming for the holidays. It is a good idea to strategically place books that have universal
appeal. It may be an oldie but Where's Waldo? still works in all volumes. Children and
adults are surprisingly well matched when they become competitive at finding
Waldo and it leads to some fun book memories. The Time for Kids books work well for the same reasons. Where's Waldo? led to a storm of look & find books
of many formats and themes.
Where's the Dragon & it’s sequels have hidden
pictures in addition to adventures of George, Grandfather & Meg (the
dog). The stories create a bit of
suspense as the reader finds what you are anxious for the characters to
see. Princess Tales adapted by Grace
Maccarone illustrated by Gail de Marcken has ten popular fairy tales written in
rhyme and illustrations filled with details and a list of hidden pictures to
find in each double page spread. I think
these books are particularly engaging
for children who have grown up interacting with of electronic
entertainment. They provide a positive
book experience and and an introduction to time tested stories.