Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events follows three orphans, the
Baudelaires, as they survive and solve mysteries while under the care of
various guardians. The author definitely delivers on the series’ title, with
deaths, unreliable parental figures, and other sad occurrences. Surprisingly,
despite the author’s warning of depressing events at the back of every book,
there are plenty of happy moments, like new friendships, competent guardians,
and even a tiny bit of romance. Readers will lose out if they heed Snicket’s
plea to throw away his books and choose happier novels. Even though the series
is supposed to be solely a catalog of gloomy happenings, the thirteen books
manage to be fun, humorous and suitable for all ages. Sometimes the author
lapses into writing backwards and upside down, so readers have to go to a
mirror to continue. Other times the author playfully defines words, which is
helpful when the youngest orphan, Sunny, speaks, because she is only a baby. Part
of the fun comes because the world the Baudelaire children inhabit is very
unlike our own. The newspaper is notorious for printing rumors. Being
ambidextrous is a quality considered so freakish, the only job such a person
could find is being on display at a circus. Flimsy disguises fool whole towns. This otherworldly tone is what helps make all
the unfortunate events seem ridiculous and funny, instead of sad and
melancholy. Reading this series helped me find joy in even the bleakest
My name is Daphna Craven. I
graduated from BYU with a print journalism degree last April. I currently work
as a telephone surveyor at BRG Research Services. I love reading and being
married, of course!