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The Count of Monte Cristo: Revenge Never Felt So Good.

This movie is at the top of a lot of people's list. Not because the acting or costumes or scenery is especially noteworthy, it's the story.  It all comes down to revenge, and seeing a plan so well-executed and justice so stylishly served hits the spot for a lot of people.  In some weird, twisted way, this tale of treason, deceit and betrayal somehow makes for a feel-good movie.  

But have you read the book?

Ringing up at 1276 pages, this book isn't for flighty readers. It's lengthy, but as most classics do, it tells the story with more detail and rapture than you'll find in the movie, no matter how many times you watch it.  A member of our staff, Glenn, read it and wrote a brief review: 
"This is a literary romance.  Heroic and fantastic character come together in a maze of relationships.  The thrill of mastermind revenge will keep the pages turning for a thrill-ride adventure. 
P.S. It's completely different from the movie after the first few chapters."
Classics are daunting, but incredibly rewarding. Kind of like seeking revenge.  

Get The Count of Monte Cristo 25% off this month in the BYU Bookstore.