Our general book department is staffed by students with ranging interests and tastes, all spending their hours surrounded by the same books. Luckily, our shelves host a few different options (about 80,000) and there really is something for everyone.
Student employees from the General Book department regularly review their favorites, offering a slightly different perspective than you might find on a book's back cover. One from this month's selection is In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto. This pretty little non-fiction selection is written by Michael Pollan, made famous by The Omnivore's Dilemma (did anyone else's high school biology class read this?)
In Defense of Food is an interesting book, discussing the nature of the food we eat today. Bottom line, "healthy eating" seems like an easy concept, but is made difficult by the thousands of options on grocery aisles. And chocolate cravings.
So, is this one worth reading? Mary, a student employee from our General Book department wrote a review.
"The world is filled with conflicting advice about food and nutrition. There are so many choices and no definitive answers. Michael Pollan makes eating healthy eating easy.Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants.This book is a must read for anyone who has ever wondered what he or she should eat."
Have you read it? Worth the 205 pages or should we spend our time googling 'homemade snickers recipes' instead?
Find In Defense of Food at the BYU Bookstore
(It's also 25% Off this month, the perks of being a staff pick)